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Shatta Gazawi

Prep Time 15 minutes
Dehydrating Time 2 days


  • 125 grams red chillis
  • ½ tbsp salt
  • ½ tbsp lemon juice
  • tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • enough olive oil to cover the chillies


  • Wash the chills and dry them. Wear gloves and thinly slice the chilis with the seeds (if you would like to reduce some of the heat remove some of the seeds).
  • Sprinkle the chilis with salt and mix.
  • Sterilize a glass jar and place the chilis and seeds inside the jar. Seal the jar and either place it on your countertop or fridge for 2 days.
  • On the third day drain the liquid from the jar, place in a food processor, and blitz to your desired texture. You can either blitz to a paste or keep it semi-rough.
  • Add the lemon, apple cider vinegar, and mix. Then place everything back into the jar. Fill with olive oil, enough to fully cover the chilis.
  • Place in the fridge for up to 6 months. You will need to continuously top off with olive oil to make sure chilis are always covered.
Course: condiments
Keyword: chili